Questions I have as an investment beginner

Just want to keep track of what kind of questions I’d have right now or earlier as a beginner …

so as I learn more I’ll create content and answer them for other beginners.

General Beginner Questions

The market/stock already risen so much … is it too late to get in?

Should I start investing now? or wait until later when the market is down?

How do I prevent myself from buying a stock or a market near or at its peak? (selling at bottom same)

I want to start investing … where to begin?

How do I choose the best stocks to buy?

Learning investing and trading

What kind of skills or knowledge do I need to become profitable at investing or trading?

Is it possible to beat the market by actively investing or trading?

Does fundamental analysis really works? Everyone already knows, how could it still work?

Can a day-trader or swing-trader really make money? How much money can someone make as a part-time trader?

Lots of day-traders and swing-traders already, how could I possibly make money?

How much time would it take from zero to become a profitable trader?

Bonds and Treasuries

What’s the difference between short-term and long-term interest rates and bonds, and how do I choose which ones to buy?

How does the Fed’s interest rate affect bond prices?

What is a yield curve? What does an inverted yield curve mean?

Intermediate Questions

What are all the indicators that the Fed look at to decide interest rate, and where can I find the info?

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