somehow made the mistake of not 123DCA again

Alright so for some reason even though I just wrote a post outlining my mistakes of not 123DCA-ing, somehow I made that mistake, once again.

So just want to make yet another post to remind myself AGAIN to not do that anymore, ever.

This time it was buying BRK.B.

After careful consideration, I think I want to hold BRK for the long term as kind of a hedge over positioning everything into US big-tech.

Which is totally fine of course and I think I might want to make it as big as 15-20% holding of the US stock portfolio.

However I failed to work out how much I want in, and rotated $4800 from QQQM into it all in one go.

Lo and behold, it went down 6% since my purchase, while QQQM went up around 2% – making a total loss of 8% on ~$5000, or around $400.

(the reason behind seems to be that a large institutional holder has been selling BRK. anyways.)

Looking back on why I did it

I think 123DCA crossed my mind when I wanted to do it.

But I thought, hey BRK is a solid company and it won’t go berserk anyways, what’s the point of separating out into too many buys?

And I was thinking maybe a 20% holding which 10 shares would have been half.

I needed to sell the QQQM and I didn’t want to bother with too many buys/sells.

However in retrospect, A little more trouble could save me hundreds of USD.

Even if I had wanted to go in 20%, I should’ve split into 5, 5, 10. And I am not too sure now if I want as much as 20 anyways.

So if I could go back, I would do 5 shares first instead of 10. Or maybe even 3.

Then now after it dropped, my losses would’ve been $200 instead of $400, and it would’ve been okay to buy some more now or wait for just a little more drop.

Now instead I can’t quite go in until maybe it goes down another 5-10%, and that’d mean another $300 loss as well probably.

The lesson for the future

So next time I want to get into another company or even ETFs, etc. – especially individual companies.

Decide ahead of time how much weight I want. Carefully plan out and consider that part.

Then split that into 25-25-50%. Buy only 1/4 first. Or even 1/6.

Then after it goes up 5% or drops 5%, go again.

At least split the process up into 3 times, or even more if it’s a big position I want to go in like this time (~usd8-10k eventually).

So no big deal this time but another mistake to remind me to keep doing something as easy as 123DCA.

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