5-year plan after mid-may post

So HKCC initial data is not great and I’m leaning more toward maybe not creating a course for that anymore.

Possibly limiting to coaching programs that I don’t have to record a course for maybe.

Anyways I’ve settled on the next 1-2 years focusing on 3 content loops – Stephen English, MarketingTips, and assisting LangBuild.


For the next 1-2 years my focus will be building up the 3 youtube channels, with a more heavy focus on Stephen English and LangBuild.

My goal is to hit 30-50k subscribers and 30-50k views per month with 1-2 new videos released, for both SE and LB.

Hopefully that view count can generate 100-150 regs and at ~$200 EPR that should generate $20-30k/mo of revenue just from YouTube with no ads.

That is the optimal outcome for the 2 channels and let’s see if I can get there by 2025 or early 2026.

Also maybe I will make a manychat course for MT and hope to boost the income a bit.

SE 2025 income

  • Facebook ads $30k revenue, 10k ad spend = 20k profit
  • youtube organic traffic = 20k profit
  • Total 40k income

LB 2025 income

  • Facebook ads $60k revenue (phonics + pri-eng + package), 20k ad spend = 40k profit
  • youtube organic traffic = 20k profit
  • Total 60k income

MT 2025 income

  • Facebook ads $20k revenue (facebook ads course + manychat course), 10k ad spend = 10k profit
  • facebook live + youtube traffic = 10k profit
  • Total 20k income

By end of 2025 hopefully can reach $120k/mo profit on average and with expenses around 70-80k, can save $40k/mo, $500k/year on average.


Getting citizenship or PR would be a must. Will move to Tokyo before or right after, so 2028 will definitely be in Tokyo.

Probably start to rent first in 2026 maybe and hope to be able to purchase by 2028.

With $500k/year saving per year, 2026, 2027, 2028, along with reasonable investment returns, should be able to add $1.5-2M to assets, which put us at $5M asset by 2028, and perhaps with an addition 1.5-2M from 25% of grandma’s home.

By 2028, at $7M asset and a purchased home, we can probably dial down our income to 60-80k per month and get 40-60k from just return on investments (8-10% return).

With SE+LB youtube channel long-tail and ads, 40-50k/mo passive income should be maintainable.

If the channels are very successful, it would probably make sense to keep investing time and hire a person into it and hopefully keep squeezing 60-80k from the 2-3 projects.

Otherwise Pera would be a decent project to try and pursue then probably, with my Japanese skills probably at another level by then.

Also I am really hoping in 3-5 years my investment skills would be enough for me to start a channel and a course on investing.


2030 Ideal scenario – purchased home in wangan (~¥15M?), HK$10M asset ($60-80k/mo semi-active investment income), ~$100-120k/mo semi-active business income

2035-40 – $20-30M asset and no need for any business income?

Concrete Action Plan

Build up SE + LB + maybeMT? Content – YouTube / Live

  • increase business income for next 2-3 years at least to 100-120k/mo consistently

Study investment

  • get at least 10% ROI consistently investing semi-actively
    • Fundamental Valuation and pick good stocks
    • Concrete insight on macro economic and try to time some things
    • not sure what I don’t know yet? Some short-mid term technical trading?
  • become able to teach investment stuff down the road???

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