Big Feb sell-off and my reflection upon

So Feb 2025 was the worst month since the Aug 2024 “Ueda Shock” sell off.

Market sentiment is at its lowest, with fear index exact same as the lowest point in Aug 5th, 2024.

From looking at the previous fear cycle, it took less than 1 month to recover to “greed” and 3 months later back to “extreme greed”.

So I want to outline my prediction and outlook here for the next few months.

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The S-curve human progress, and my AI wave predictions

So I revisited an interesting AI post written by “wait but why”, back in 2015 (10 years ago).

I saw an interesting notion about how progress happens in S-curve – a new technology emerge, slow growth, then mass adoption, then matures.

From my lifetime, I can see how that played out in the internet boom.

And I think now the AI boom is unfolding in front of me. So I want to make some predictions here and see how right I am 5-10 years from now.

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Tipping my toes into options, and my thoughts so far

I had been thinking about adding the wheel option strategy into my long term investment, but the option size of minimum 100 shares has always been too big.

Anyway, I found out about the MAGS etf and that size is quite manageable, so I started dipping my toes into it.

Then I found that maybe doing bigger sized like NVDA or TSLA might be okay too, so I gave it a try.

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Why I believe gold can hit 5-10k in the next 10 years

So I made a long post in some facebook group about why I think gold is a good investment, and can go up 2-4x in a few years.

The post is long enough that I thought I shouldn’t waste it so I am posting it here too.

Currently I have 45% portfolio allocation to gold. Planning to increase that to 50% with some leverage in place.

I might adjust it in the future but I think it will keep being a big portion of my portfolio. Let’s see this post after a few years and see if I can re-affirm my decision.

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The AI shock with DeepSeek – 20250128

Just wanted to make a quick post here about a pretty significant move on the stock market yesterday/today.

So there was a huge sell-off especially in the chip and energy section – NVDA, TSM, VST, CEG.

Took a big hit and the portfolio lost HK$60k in a day.

I think this is a great buying opportunity though and I’d like to look back in a week to this post.

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2025 展望(二):美股


首先講美股。過去連續兩年,S&P500 都有超過 20% 的回報。

可惜 2023 年我未開始投資,而 2024 年我係年中先開始接觸美股,所以都食唔晒個兩成回報。

不過相反咁睇,第一年開始投資遇著牛市都係好事掛,起碼就算係錯覺,都會覺得自己應該係有啲料到 ^_^”

anyway,咁 2025 年我又覺得會點呢?

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