2025 Investment Theme

So one thing that I’ve been hearing and I whole-heartedly agree with is this notion of “investment theme”.

Successful long-term investing is mostly identifying the right “themes” and positioning there, more so that choosing individual stocks or assets themselves.

So I’ll start 2025 by consolidating the themes I’ve identified myself – not necessarily that they are the “right” themes, but I want to organize my ideas and thoughts and keep reviewing and updating them as time goes on.

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2025 展望(一):香港樓市

宜家 2024 年尾,考慮緊好唔好買樓入市,買個地方俾阿媽住,慳番幫佢交租。

交緊大約 $10,000 租金,而宜家買樓 300萬樓下等於免印花稅。計過條數,作為「投資回報」交租俾自己都合理,所以 set 咗 300萬呢個 budget。

咁啱見到有個合適嘅樓花,不過最後推 325萬,超出咗預算。有同自己講,其實都係爭嗰 25萬啫,呢個樓花又咁啱心水,不如俾埋佢算。

做完一個詳盡分析,結果都係決定今次 pass 了,不過亦會留意住呢個屋苑,睇吓遲啲可唔可以二手入市。


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HK home purchase analysis

With grandma’s passing, there is an extra capital – precisely HK$1.25M, that can be available now.

(mother is keeping $50k. Update – will be getting the entire 1.3M)

After quite some research, the Hung Sui Kiu area is quite suitable for mother, and should have good potential as an investment as well.

I want to take this post to dive into the details and try to see what decisions I need to make.

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Why I’ve decided to increase my Bitcoin allocation

Previously I’ve decided to keep bitcoin around 5-10% as I’ve started investing earlier this year.

The logic and timing might be flawed, but I’ve decided to increase that to at least 10-15%, maybe up to 20% max now.

(Edit – as of 25/11/2024 I am keeping it around 10-14%, since MSTR is leveraged bitcoin and is even more volatile)

I want to make sure I am doing it with sound logic so I am writing a post here to keep track of my thought on that.

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relationship between US debt, inflation, and interest rate?

So as Trump wins, the market is moving accordingly – the obvious narratives are, more spending, more debt, and higher inflation.

Therefore, long term interest rate spiked up, and the DXY spiked up as well, from the expectation of higher inflation and the Fed raising rates.

But something kind of doesn’t add up. I will try to summarize in this post.

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Why a saver must be an investor

I want to eventually start publishing content about investing and maybe start a new business venture there.

Currently my ideal is like ah ju, talking about basic investing concepts and economic trends to people who want to increase their wealth, work less, achieve freedom.

So I’ll start putting down my ideas with posts like this one as well to keep track of my ideas.

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