started out as a great month, but dropped down toward the end of the month (no santa rally).
It’s a good thing though because I just received the $1.3M cash from grandma’s home sale and I need to start buying, so buying after a dip is better.
started out as a great month, but dropped down toward the end of the month (no santa rally).
It’s a good thing though because I just received the $1.3M cash from grandma’s home sale and I need to start buying, so buying after a dip is better.
With grandma’s passing, there is an extra capital – precisely HK$1.25M, that can be available now.
(mother is keeping $50k. Update – will be getting the entire 1.3M)
After quite some research, the Hung Sui Kiu area is quite suitable for mother, and should have good potential as an investment as well.
I want to take this post to dive into the details and try to see what decisions I need to make.
Holy crap what a great month.
The bet on crypto finally is paying off, and gold didnt do too well but the whole Bitcoin/Tesla jump covered it and more.
Previously I’ve decided to keep bitcoin around 5-10% as I’ve started investing earlier this year.
The logic and timing might be flawed, but I’ve decided to increase that to at least 10-15%, maybe up to 20% max now.
(Edit – as of 25/11/2024 I am keeping it around 10-14%, since MSTR is leveraged bitcoin and is even more volatile)
I want to make sure I am doing it with sound logic so I am writing a post here to keep track of my thought on that.
So as Trump wins, the market is moving accordingly – the obvious narratives are, more spending, more debt, and higher inflation.
Therefore, long term interest rate spiked up, and the DXY spiked up as well, from the expectation of higher inflation and the Fed raising rates.
But something kind of doesn’t add up. I will try to summarize in this post.
I’ve already written about the USD and in general fiat debasement in the “gold” post, but I want to expand here.
USD debasement is happening at a very accelerated rate, probably faster than I previously thought.
Hyperinflation I thought would be impossible with USD, but now I am not so sure.
Up a lot during the month, trimmed a bit toward the end but still end up major positive.
Mainly from the gain in gold prices.
I’ve already written other posts about gold, can see the big shift I have here with the gold investment.
I want to eventually start publishing content about investing and maybe start a new business venture there.
Currently my ideal is like ah ju, talking about basic investing concepts and economic trends to people who want to increase their wealth, work less, achieve freedom.
So I’ll start putting down my ideas with posts like this one as well to keep track of my ideas.
This is an extension of the post where I was writing about doing a gold-yen carry trade.
It’s an important trade and especially getting burned by the USDJPY carry trade, I am determined to really think through this one.
And the more I think about it, I’ve come to an entire paradigm shift …
Alright so I’ve realized a new trade that I want to start making.
Which is – borrowing yen around ~1.5%/yr and buying gold with it.
Getting burned by the yen / US-treasury carry, I am a bit unsure about if there are any pitfalls I missed, but let me write the post to consolidate my logic.