yeah so turned out getting the apps all done by end of april is way too ambitious.
It’s been a week and half since I had any progress on the mobile apps part. Turned out hosting the first HK Christians event on the new app was more work than I thought:
- building, testing new event reg system
- iterating after real people using it
- getting my admin help up to speed on everything (thank god I have someone, helping me 5-10hrs/wk)
- cleaning up old contact list, setting up admin backend system on the app, so my admin help can easily notify users about event, and track notification statuses
For the past week and a half it’s pretty much just that. Then I sort of also figured it’d be wiser to get mixpanel tracking setup and also some basic google ads and cheap web banner ads out before starting on the mobile app.
Renewed target:
End of april: Just got all the questions answered from mixpanel to get done with the basics I needed. Not too great API docs, but pretty helpful support staff. Had mixpanel tracking revamped since setting up couple weeks ago, will need to throughoutly test then deploy. Hope to get it all tested and ready to go these couple days. Then going to Japan for vacation until May 1st.
May 6th: first event since I joined HKC as partner. Hope everything runs smoothly. Many things needed to be done with the admin person first week of May: notify members one last round, FB/meetup announcement, switching email marketing to mailchimp for a try …
End of May: hopefully after the first event, will have some real time to really start tackling the mobile app. Also need to get some ads setup and tracked via mixpanel. Target is to get HK$2000/mo worth of ads all setup and tracked, and also made some decent progress on the mobile apps.
End of June: Still shooting for the same goal I set at the beginning of the quarter, and have mobile apps for HKCD all setup and deployed on app store/play store, push notifications and all. Hopefully would have made some progress, or already setup mobile apps for EC Referral as well.
July onward: Already started reading some books on SEO/keyword research and digital marketing. Hope to wrap up development for HKCD and put it on auto-cruise mode, which takes up 70%+ of my time currently. With the free time, will really try to dig into keyword research/SEO and try to get either some really simple SaaS business, or blogging business going on. Should definitely publish as much as possible about what I’ve learned via building HKCD, both dev and marketing as well.